The Sundarbans is a natural region in Bengal. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The Sunderbans is approximately 10,000 km2 of which 60% is located in Bangladesh with the remainder in India The Sundarbans National Park is a National Park, Tiger Reserve, and a Biosphere Reserve located in the Sundarbans delta in the Indian state of West Bengal. Sundarbans South, East and West are three protected forests in Bangladesh.


Mangroves byThe Ocean Portal Team A thick stand of mangroves with tangled roots lines an island creek in Panama.Credit: Ilka C. Feller/Smithsonian Institution Mangroves are survivors. With their roots submerged in water, mangrove trees thrive in hot, muddy, salty conditions tha…

Mangrove forests

Mangrove forests
Mangroves are a crossroad where oceans, freshwater, and land realms meet. They are among the most productive and complex ecosystems on the planet, growing under environmental conditions that would kill ordinary plants very quickly. Mangrove forests are particularly found in …


Forests of the Tide At the intersection of land and sea, mangrove forests support a wealth of life, from starfish to people, and may be more important to the health of the planet than we ever realized. By Kennedy Warne Photograph by Online Mangroves live life on the edge. With …

Mangrove forests thrive near the mouths of large rivers where river deltas provide lots of sediment

Mangrove forests thrive near the mouths of large rivers where river deltas provide lots of sediment
Mangrove forests thrive near the mouths of large rivers where river deltas provide lots of sediment (sand and mud). Mangrove roots collect sediments and slow the water's flow, helping to protect the coastline and preventing erosion. Over time, the roots can collect eno…

What is a "mangrove" forest?

What is a "mangrove" forest?
Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone. Mangrove forest in Loxahatchee, Florida. There are about 80 different species of mangrove trees. All of these trees grow in areas with low-oxygen soil, where slow-moving waters allow fine sedi…


Follow researchers Candy Feller and Dennis Whigham as they scramble, climb, crawl, and creep through the tangled roots of a mangrove forest. Along the way, learn what’s threatening these unique ecosystems where the ocean meets the land. Studying these flooded forests is a c…


The Victoria Crowned-pigeon, the largest living pigeon, looks as if it’s wearing a Victorian-era ball masque, spiked headdress and hot-ember swim goggles.  It is reportedly hunted less in New Guinea, which is crucial to its survival since breeding pairs produce only one egg …

World Largest Forest Mangrove of sundarbnn

World Largest Forest Mangrove of sundarbnn
A pair of brown pelicans and their chick have taken up residence in this mangrove tree. Many other kinds of birds also nest, roost, and feed in mangroves. And they’re not alone. Mangroves buzz with insects. Ants, spiders, moths, termites, and scorpions feed and nest in hol…

Mangrove Forests: One of the World's Threatened Major

Mangrove Forests: One of the World's Threatened Major
Mangroves are survivors. With their roots submerged in water, mangrove trees thrive in hot, muddy, salty conditions that would quickly kill most plants. How do they do it? Through a series of impressive adaptations—including a filtration system that keeps out much of the sa…

দাড়িওয়ালা শকুন, Lammergeier, Gypaetus barbatus, Bearded Vulture

দাড়িওয়ালা শকুন, Lammergeier, Gypaetus barbatus, Bearded Vulture
দাড়িওয়ালা শকুন বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম Gypaetus barbatus। Gypaetus গোত্রের একমাত্র সদস্য দাড়িওয়ালা শকুন (Bearded Vulture) ল্যামারগায়ার (Lammergeier) নামেও পরিচিত। পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে প্রাচীন শকুন প্রজাতির একটি। ভারত, তিব্বত ছাড়াও এদেরকে দক্ষিণ ইউরোপ ও আফ্রিকার পাহাড়ি অঞ্চলে দেখা যায়। এদের…

ঈগল(Eagle) সমুদ্র ঈগলের বিশ্বজুড়ে পরিচিতি স্টেলারস সি-ঈগল নামে।

ঈগল(Eagle) সমুদ্র ঈগলের বিশ্বজুড়ে পরিচিতি স্টেলারস সি-ঈগল নামে।
ঈগল(Eagle) সমুদ্র ঈগলের বিশ্বজুড়ে পরিচিতি স্টেলারস সি-ঈগল নামে। বিশালাকায় এই পাখি দেখা যায় কামচাটকার কুরিলস্কো লেকে। শীতকাল এরা কাটায় নিজের বাসায়। তখন মাছ ভেসে ওঠার অপেক্ষায় দিনাতিপাত করে। সাধারণভাবে দেখলে এদের আকৃতি সম্পর্কে ধারণা করা মুশকিল। ওদের বিশাল ডানা আকাশে না মেলা …

Fazil/Kamil Result Publication

Fazil/Kamil Result Publication
Fazil/Kamil Result Publication Fazil - 2013 Result will be available on 9/04/2015 after 12:00pm Examination Name : Select One Fazil Kamil Year : Examination Year : 2013 2012 Roll : Fazil/Kamil Alternet Results site Click Fazil Kamil Result 2013, fazil kamil Results marksheet, all results…

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