The Sundarbans is a natural region in Bengal. It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The Sunderbans is approximately 10,000 km2 of which 60% is located in Bangladesh with the remainder in India The Sundarbans National Park is a National Park, Tiger Reserve, and a Biosphere Reserve located in the Sundarbans delta in the Indian state of West Bengal. Sundarbans South, East and West are three protected forests in Bangladesh.

SL University Name Phone District 1 Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology 8870422, 8870416 Dhaka 2 American International University - Bangladesh 9897387, 9894229, 8811749 Ext. 100, 200 Dhaka 3 ASA University Bangladesh 02-8130238, 8122555, 01670995533 Dhaka 4 Asian University of Bangladesh 8916116, 8912366, 8920709 Dhaka 5 Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology 02-9897700, 02-9891904 Dhaka 6 Bangladesh Islami University 02-7552495-6 Dhaka 7 Bangladesh University 9136061, 8117951, 01744291258 Dhaka 8 Bangladesh University of Business and Technology 8057581-2, 9015397, 01190658100 Dhaka 9 Bangladesh University of Health Sciences 02-9010932, 01791-042087 Dhaka 10 BGC Trust University Bangladesh 031-656841, 031-657979 Chittagong 11 BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology 02-8919986, 8950535 Dhaka 12 BRAC University 02-8824051-4, 02-9853948 Dhaka 13 Britannia University 081-73412, 73422 Comilla 14 Central Women's University 02-9591551, 02-9567499, 01778-490525 Dhaka 15 Chittagong Independent University 031-611262, 622946, 636484 Chittagong 16 City University 9893983, 9861543, 01819-813111 Dhaka 17 Cox's Bazar International University 0341-52510, 01762-686274 Cox's Bazar 18 Daffodil International University 9138234-5, 9116774, 01713493050 Dhaka 19 Darul Ihsan University 9127841, 9142512, 01715514266 Dhaka 20 Dhaka International University 8858734-5, 9137568, 01732-764871 Dhaka 21 East Delta University 031-2514441-3, 01714-102062 Chittagong 22 East West University 09666775577 Dhaka 23 Eastern University 02-9676031-5, 01741300002 Dhaka 24 European University of Bangladesh 02 8054617, 653061, 01685333111 Dhaka 25 Exim Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh 02-9889484, 01944-920076, 01712-014988 Nawabganj 26 Fareast International University 02-8154832 Dhaka 27 Feni University 0331-62194 Feni 28 First Capital University of Bangladesh 0761-62033, 01718-374351 Chuadanga 29 German University Bangladesh 02-8870694, 02-8870694 Gazipur 30 Global University Bangladesh Jhalokati 31 Gono Bishwabidyalay 02-7791884, 7792224, 7791838 Dhaka 32 Green University of Bangladesh 02-9014725, 8031031, 8031032, 01775163885 Dhaka 33 Hamdard University Bangladesh 9665965-66, 01718-564049 Narayanganj 34 IBAIS University 02-9124793, 9124849, 01733718377 Dhaka 35 Independent University, Bangladesh 88-02-8401645-53, 8402065-76 Dhaka 36 International Islamic University Chittagong 031-625230, 02-9670220, 8629947, 01915453282 Chittagong 37 International University of Business Agricultural and Technology 8963523-27, 01714-014933, 8923469-70 Dhaka 38 Ishakha International University 01193199468, 01193198745 Kishoreganj 39 Khwaja Yunus Ali University 075163862-4 Sirajganj 40 Leading University 0821-720303-6, 01712116968 Sylhet 41 Manarat International University 8817525, 9884736, 9862251,01819-245895 Dhaka 42 Metropolitan University 0821-816198, 816199 Sylhet 43 North Bengal International University 01789-908612, 01717-330602 Rajshahi 44 North East University Bangladesh 0821-710221, 0821-710222 Sylhet 45 North South University 02-55668200, 01726-644356 Dhaka 46 North Western University 041-730807 Khulna 47 Northern University Bangladesh 8818131, 9898521, 9892054, 01191426301 – 14 Dhaka 48 Notre Dame University Bangladesh Dhaka 49 Port City International University 031-2869877, 031-2869899, 01773-225500 Chittagong 50 Premier University 880-31-656917, 031-657654,031-2554317-8 Chittagong 51 Presidency University 8857617-8, 8831182-4, 01731 953 716, 01741 378 506 Dhaka 52 Prime University 8051782, 8031810, 8014045-102 Dhaka 53 Primeasia University 02-9821498-99, 9822133, 01777676548 Dhaka 54 Rajshahi Science & Technology University 07716496, 01713-303183 Natore 55 Ranoda Prashad Shaha University 02-7633545-46 Narayanganj 56 Royal University of Dhaka 880-2- 9886150, 8861628, 01745477241 Dhaka 57 Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology 8958048, 8918932, 8952610 Dhaka 58 Sheikh Fazilatunnesa Mujib University 01711-961224 Jamalpur 59 Sonargaon University 02 8189036-7, 01939-243538, 01767-777222 Dhaka 60 Southeast University 8833024, 8860456, 8860454, 01931579230 Dhaka 61 Southern University Bangladesh 0312851336-9, 626744 Chittagong 62 Stamford University Bangladesh 8153168-69, 8156122-23, 01713-082402 Dhaka 63 State University of Bangladesh 8151781-2, 8126272-3, 8156520, 01711228900 Dhaka 64 Sylhet International University 0821- 720771, 717193, 0172045330 Sylhet 65 The Millennium University 9360836, 9330323 Dhaka 66 The People's University of Bangladesh 02-9127807, 9117454 Dhaka 67 The University of Asia Pacific 02-9664952, 01714-088321 Dhaka 68 Times University Bangladesh 01771 766591-4 Faridpur 69 United International University 9125912-6, 01914001470 Dhaka 70 University of Development Alternative 9145741, 01819260163, Dhaka 71 University of Information Technology and Sciences 02-8899751, 01715-367344 Dhaka 72 University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh 9661255, 9661301, 01714161614, Dhaka 73 University of Science and Technology Chittagong 02-8614959, 8614400 Chittagong 74 University of South Asia 9897073-4, 0176 3030636, 01686265125 Dhaka 75 Uttara University 02-8919116, 8919794, 8912280 Dhaka 76 Varendra University 0721-751274, 01961308400 Rajshahi 77 Victoria University of Bangladesh 88-02-8622634, 01841-000005 Dhaka 78 World University of Bangladesh 9611410, 9611411, 9611412, 01932380179 Dhaka 79 Z.H. Sikder University of Science & Technology 02-8115965, 01775-217117 Shariatpur

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